My Cinderella is also a senior this year. It's the first of the last for The Hubby and I as well. When The Eldest graduated everyone told me I would cry. I did not. Nor did I when The Free Spirit walked across the stage and I was privileged to give her the diploma cover. (We pretend here in East Central Georgia. Diplomas are given out after the ceremony. That ensures that everyone gets the correct one without having to hold up the processional.) However, I do not know how I will react this time. I'm telling everyone that I am getting ready to do the "No Kid Dance" but the truth is, I'm a bit frightened.
I have no idea what this year will bring. The Cinderella is a self-proclaimed "high-maintenance drama princess." She is terrified of the coming year. She is focused on the wheres and hows of college but every so often it hits her that this is her last year of high school. Then the frozen deer look comes across her face and the tears well up. I never know what to say other than, "You will be fine." I know she will be. I'm just not sure I will.
The Hubby and I have never been just a couple. We started out with three. This time next year, there will be just two (not counting The Wonderdog). The Cinderella is planning to move further than 30 minutes away. We won't be able to just run down and take her to the grocery store or out to dinner. I won't be with her at the doctor's office if she gets sick. I have to trust that she will be safe and healthy. All by herself.
That's what it comes down to. Trust. I have to trust that God will take care of The Cinderella throughout this coming year and when she does finally leave the nest. I do, but I suppose I need the reminders now and again. What I have a difficult time with is trusting that he will take care of me also. This is a transition year for me (and The Hubby) as well and I need to rely on my Abba Father more than ever. Maybe I'll cry. Maybe I'll dance. Maybe I'll do a bit of both. Either way, I'm trusting that this last will become the first of an incredible adventure for all of us.
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see.
-Hebrews 11:1 The Message