Thursday, November 14, 2013

25 To Life

The Hubby and I have accomplished something that it seems fewer and fewer couples manage these days. We have reached our 25th wedding anniversary. Yep, on November 19, 1988, we stood in a small town church before God, friends, and family and pledged to love one another for the rest of our lives. I do believe that not one person there thought we would survive the first year. I won't say it has be easy. Being married is the second hardest job one can ever take on. There are days where we honestly do not even like one another. But I cannot even begin to fathom what life would be like without this man by my side. So, not to make light of the past years, (and this is certainly not an exhaustive list) here are twenty-five reasons, in no particular order, that I am looking forward to our 50th!

  1. He seeks God in all things. While He may not always give us what we ask for, He has led us down some pretty amazing paths and I look forward to seeing what comes next.
  2. He loves me. Not an easy job. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I know it and I cannot express just how blessed I am that he continues to love me each and every day.
  3. He promised to never bring up the D-word, no matter how bad life gets. It's the reason that I'm able to write this.
  4. He makes a better mom than I do. We probably would have starved a long time ago, or at least suffocated under the mountains of laundry...
  5. February 23, 1987
  6. July 21, 1993
  7. March 2, 1996
  8. He is a fantastic provider for our family. His work ethic sometimes clashes with my need to have him in my line of sight, but I do appreciate his willingness to bring home the bacon. And to cook it.
  9. He loves our family. Each one of our children is a "Daddy's Girl" and they know it. Might as well prepare now for the matching chicken tattoos. They're coming.
  10. He is willing to deal with my neurotic issues. And my emotional issues. And my health issues. And my...
  11. He loves Max the Wonderdog and The Stupid Cat Thing, no matter what he says. He's loved all the pets, even the weird ones.
  12. He and I have vastly different love languages. I guess opposites really do attract.
  13. He can't be still. If he could, our house would probably never be completely clean.
  14. He takes care of his parents. They depend on him almost as much as I do. I'm glad he's there for them.
  15. He tells the children that they will always have a room at home. It may the Harry Potter room under the stairs, but they will have one.
  16. He takes care of me when I am sick. Which sometimes seems like more often than not.
  17. He will go places with me. Even if it is just around the block. Just to keep me from going stir-crazy.
  18. He doesn't insist on going everywhere with me. Thank Heaven.
  19. He is willing to try new things. More often than I, most of the time.
  20. He tolerates my lists. Even the invisible ones in my head.
  21. He gets me chocolate even though I am not supposed to have it. And he doesn't fuss at me for it. Too much.
  22. He think I still look 20. I think his prescription is way off, but that's just me.
  23. He doesn't mind keeping my feet warm at night. Even when I'm threatening to smother him with his own pillow, he's still willing to take care of me.
  24. He's stuck around for 25 years. Through all the ups and downs, backwards and forwards, it's been a wonderful, insane journey. I have become a better person because of him and could not imagine this life without him.
  25. He is looking forward to another 25. And another. And another. And another. And...
Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What Month Is It?

Wow. November. So much has happened and time has just gotten away from me. Marching band season is almost finished (Thank God) and The Cinderella is out looking for a job. It seems she is home less often than The Free Spirit. Halloween is over. I could have written a book on that. This month is NaNoWriMo. I'm not writing a book for that (although there are several spinning around in my head). Forty-eight days until Christmas and I've bought eight gifts. The pressure is beginning to mount. But I'm not worried.

What has caught my attention is, that every time I open a social media network, such as Facebook, I see an "Day XX - I'm thankful for..." post. It's driving me crazy.

Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for all those things, too. I'm just not wired to limit them to one day at a time and, since I tend to get a bit wordy, there is not enough room on a Facebook post to elaborate on the WHY I am thankful for those things. I would get cut off in the middle of a sentence. Then I would have to go postal on Mark Zukerberg, So I am going to take this opportunity to get the whole month of thanks over with at once. Enjoy.

Day 1 - I am thankful for a God who loves me enough to sacrifice himself in order to have a relationship with me, and who asks nothing of me except that I love others to that level.

Day 2 - I am thankful for The Hubby who has put up with me and my shenanigans for so long. Here's to the next 75!

Day 3 - I am thankful for The Eldest and her husband. They are reminding The Hubby and me what it was like when we first started on this journey called marriage. It has been both a bittersweet and a joyful trip.

Day 4 - I am thankful for The Free Spirit. She has taught me so many lessons on letting go and has done so with grace and beauty.

Day 5 - I am thankful for The Cinderella. She keeps me young. She is the last. She is the light at the end of the tunnel. The Hubby and I are so looking forward to doing "The No Kid Dance."

Day 6 - I am thankful for The Parents. They raised me. I am who I am, the good, the bad and the ugly, because of what they did (or at least tried to do). They did their best. I don't blame them for anything.

Day 7 - I am thankful for my sisters. All 3 of them. And my brothers-in-law who have put up with them and the rest of the insanity that is our family. Especially during the holidays.

Day 8 - I am thankful for Niece #1 who reminds me that becoming a young lady is not the easiest job in the world. Especially when you think you have to do it by yourself.

Day 9 - I am thankful for Niece #2 who never stops talking even when she is throwing up in the car. What I would give for just a fraction of that amount of energy.

Day 10 - I am thankful for The Nephew and his incredible imagination. He inspires me. The Coconut Dance will one day win awards.

Day 11 - I am thankful for The In-Laws. They raised The Hubby to be a loving, Christ-seeking man who sacrifices daily for his family. I am blessed beyond measure for that.

Day 12 - I am thankful for The Brother and Sister-Out-Law. The relationship they share with The Hubby is a joy to see and I am grateful that they stay so closely connected.

Day 13 - I am thankful for SKE. She teaches us patience. Even when we want to snatch a knot in her head (as we say down south).

Day 14 - I am thankful for MEE. Even though I am not her favorite.

Day 15 - I am thankful for The Brother-That-Was. Although he has been gone for several years, the memories we have continue to bring us light and laughter.

Day 16 - I am thankful for my church and for the fact that I can openly worship God without fear of torture or death. It is a gift I do not take lightly.

Day 17 - I am thankful for my small group family, both past and present. They challenge me to grow both spiritually and emotionally. I have learned so much and continue to do so almost on a daily basis.

Day 18 - I am thankful for my friends. While the introvert in me recoils from the idea of a 2:30 am BFF, I do have a circle that I consider myself close to and could call on if I needed someone. I am blessed in that regard.

Day 19 - I am thankful for my health. Such that it is. At least I am on this side of the grass. And even if I were not, the alternative is going to be indescribable.

Day 20 - I am thankful for my job. I am employed in a stable work environment. I do not have to worry about unemployment and I am so very close to retiring young.

Day 21 - I am thankful for my home. It's messy. It needs work. It's for sale. But I have one.

Day 22 - I am thankful for my town. It's a small town with small town problems and idiosyncrasies. We have our share of Rednecks and Alabama fans (often the same people). But, for the most part, it's a quiet place to live and raise a family.

Day 23 - I am thankful for my country and for those who have given their lives to protect it. I have friends and family members in the military (past and present) and I have nothing but the utmost respect and honor for their service. There is no higher calling.

Day 24 - I am thankful for our system of government. While I do not always like the people in charge or agree with the laws and policies, I am grateful that we live in a system where we have the freedom to voice our discontent without fear, and where we have the opportunity to change our government should the need arise.

Day 25 - I am thankful for the time period that we live in. Every day brings new wonders. Even twenty years ago, I would not be instantly writing this and you would not be instantly reading it.

Day 26 - I am thankful for Max the Wonderdog and That Stupid Cat Thing. They are more than companions, they are family members and even when he takes up half of the bed, Max at least keeps my feet warm.

Day 27 - I am thankful for my students. They frustrate me. They irritate me. They make me want to tear my hair out. I learn from them each and every day and I would not trade that knowledge for anything.

Day 28 - I am thankful for my education. I love learning new things. I am a research junkie and could sit in a classroom all day. I have multiple degrees and yearn for the opportunity to get more. I know that having an education is a privilege and I am beyond blessed to have been afforded the chance.

Day 29 - I am thankful for my gifts and talents. God has seen fit to give me the gifts of faith and administration. He does have a sense of humor, doesn't he? I mean, what was he thinking, to hand a right-brained introvert jobs that require left-brained logic and the ability to step out without seeing what lies ahead? What a ride it has been!

Day 30 - Lastly, I am thankful for the chance to put all this down into something resembling coherence. Writing is a catharsis for me, an opportunity to get the pictures in the spaghetti-mess that is my brain into some sort of order. I never, ever take that for granted.

Happy Thanksgiving!