As another year comes to a close, I, like most people, find myself looking back and reflecting on all of the things I did and did not do over the past months. I had only three goals for 2014, and, for the most part, I managed to get two of the three accomplished. Granted, they were tiny goals, but one has to start somewhere. I did check off a couple of things on my bucket list, spent some quality time with family, and managed to "come out of the closet" so to speak. For those of you who haven't kept up with the insanity that is 91 Highland, a quick recap -
January - Made my goals. I refuse to call them resolutions. I'm not telling which one I bombed out on. That's between me and my Forgiver.
February - The Eldest had a birthday. I don't feel any older...
March - The Cinderella turned 18. Still not feeling it...
April - Is school out yet?
May - The Cinderella graduated from high school. With honors. Hubby and I did the happy dance. The last one through.
June - The Free Spirit and I took a road trip to Asheville, NC. She fell in love. Wants to move there. The Cinderella went to Brazil. She wants to move there.
July - The Hubby and The Free Spirit both hit magical birthday numbers. AARP called. I wonder who they wanted to talk to?
August - School started again. The Cinderella is a freshman once more. However, The Free Spirit is home again, so no empty nest yet.
September - Is school out yet?
October - Missed a week of school with "flu-like symptoms" Weeks of testing to find out what I already knew. Vitamin B levels in the 100 range. Will probably have to have shots for the rest of my days. Can't process vitamins and minerals like the rest of humanity. Stupid abnormal liver.
November - First ever kidney stone, three days in the hospital. I'd rather give birth again. When the doctor went in to retrieve it, the stone had disappeared. It's probably waiting to attack again when I least expect it. Oh, joy. The Free Spirit, The Cinderella and I got to be extras in a movie over Thanksgiving break. Check one off the bucket list. Also hosted two family reunions.
December - Had a nice weekend away with the Hubby. The Wonderdog turned three. Helped the Parental Units with their first ever open house. Reconnected with my college roommate. Christmas was full of blessings and rather peaceful in spite of all the craziness.
Now begs the question - where to go from here? Do I make new goals? Keep the ones I have? A combination of both? It's a bit overwhelming to think about sometimes. I do want to be a bit more organized, eat more healthy things, exercise more, but I'm also realistic. I know what my limitations are. I know that I can stay focused on things for only short periods of time, so I can't say things like, "I'll do thirty minutes of yoga every day for the next year." That would last about three days. I also know I need accountability. Family doesn't help. They're willing to let me slide. I must admit, I did do better in this area over the past year, but it's not perfect, and I need others to hold my feet to the metaphorical fire. Not so easy when you're a severe introvert with social anxiety issues. So, I'll sit and think about it some more, reflect on where I've been and where I want to be, pray, and maybe, just maybe before the end of this year, I'll have next year figured out. Is school out yet?