Thursday, November 14, 2013

25 To Life

The Hubby and I have accomplished something that it seems fewer and fewer couples manage these days. We have reached our 25th wedding anniversary. Yep, on November 19, 1988, we stood in a small town church before God, friends, and family and pledged to love one another for the rest of our lives. I do believe that not one person there thought we would survive the first year. I won't say it has be easy. Being married is the second hardest job one can ever take on. There are days where we honestly do not even like one another. But I cannot even begin to fathom what life would be like without this man by my side. So, not to make light of the past years, (and this is certainly not an exhaustive list) here are twenty-five reasons, in no particular order, that I am looking forward to our 50th!

  1. He seeks God in all things. While He may not always give us what we ask for, He has led us down some pretty amazing paths and I look forward to seeing what comes next.
  2. He loves me. Not an easy job. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I know it and I cannot express just how blessed I am that he continues to love me each and every day.
  3. He promised to never bring up the D-word, no matter how bad life gets. It's the reason that I'm able to write this.
  4. He makes a better mom than I do. We probably would have starved a long time ago, or at least suffocated under the mountains of laundry...
  5. February 23, 1987
  6. July 21, 1993
  7. March 2, 1996
  8. He is a fantastic provider for our family. His work ethic sometimes clashes with my need to have him in my line of sight, but I do appreciate his willingness to bring home the bacon. And to cook it.
  9. He loves our family. Each one of our children is a "Daddy's Girl" and they know it. Might as well prepare now for the matching chicken tattoos. They're coming.
  10. He is willing to deal with my neurotic issues. And my emotional issues. And my health issues. And my...
  11. He loves Max the Wonderdog and The Stupid Cat Thing, no matter what he says. He's loved all the pets, even the weird ones.
  12. He and I have vastly different love languages. I guess opposites really do attract.
  13. He can't be still. If he could, our house would probably never be completely clean.
  14. He takes care of his parents. They depend on him almost as much as I do. I'm glad he's there for them.
  15. He tells the children that they will always have a room at home. It may the Harry Potter room under the stairs, but they will have one.
  16. He takes care of me when I am sick. Which sometimes seems like more often than not.
  17. He will go places with me. Even if it is just around the block. Just to keep me from going stir-crazy.
  18. He doesn't insist on going everywhere with me. Thank Heaven.
  19. He is willing to try new things. More often than I, most of the time.
  20. He tolerates my lists. Even the invisible ones in my head.
  21. He gets me chocolate even though I am not supposed to have it. And he doesn't fuss at me for it. Too much.
  22. He think I still look 20. I think his prescription is way off, but that's just me.
  23. He doesn't mind keeping my feet warm at night. Even when I'm threatening to smother him with his own pillow, he's still willing to take care of me.
  24. He's stuck around for 25 years. Through all the ups and downs, backwards and forwards, it's been a wonderful, insane journey. I have become a better person because of him and could not imagine this life without him.
  25. He is looking forward to another 25. And another. And another. And another. And...
Happy Anniversary!

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